South Dakota NOLOs (non-operator landowners) are beginning to take advantage of a new, fun way to learn more about soil health one question at a time. Each week, they have the opportunity to challenge themselves—to test their knowledge of soil health and grassland management—by taking the online Soil Health Challenge.
South Dakota’s Conservation Districts are issuing the weekly challenges to interested NOLOs via email. Anyone who is interested in taking the challenge also is entered into a weekly drawing to win a $25 digital gift card.
The Soil Health Challenge was launched on February 20, when it was emailed to more than 6,000 people on the South Dakota NOLO email list. Congratulations go to Jonathan R. from Aberdeen, the lucky $25 digital gift card winner from the 148 people who took the challenge and were entered into the first week’s drawing.
If you’d like to get in on the fun and learn more, simply click here. You’ll be taken to the challenge website–answer the challenge question, and that’s it! You’ll find the correct answer to the challenge, a short video from a South Dakota producer with their thoughts related to the question, and be entered into the current week’s drawing for the digital gift card. You will receive a confirmation email once your first submission is received. Look for a new challenge every week. It resets every Monday morning.